A couple posts back, I uploaded some pictures that described the type of setting surrounding my school. The real madness, as you might guess, occurs inside the campus. During one of the many “all-nighters” I’ve spent at school, I took my camera with me to capture what the environment was like when the rest of the world around us was fast asleep.
6pm: A studio professor takes study models created by students and configures them according to sun light, circulation, and spatial qualities.
10pm: Classes are finished, dinner has been consumed, and it’s time to start cranking out drawings.
1am: Time to bust out the headphones and “get in the zone.” Models need to be constructed to convey the main idea of your project.
3am: Students take a couple of minutes away from their desks to see what their fellow classmates are up to. A competitive atmosphere fills the air.
5am: Just as the sun is about to rise, exhaustion kicks in and students fall asleep in the last position they were working in.